Hanging Lucky Horseshoe


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Horseshoes are considered a good luck charm in many cultures. Traditions do differ on which way the shoe is hung,
though – the points pointing down or up, and accordingly, luck goes away, or it pours onto you!
Still, it doesn’t matter so long as a used horseshoe is hung. In all traditions, luck is contained in the shoe,
itself and it pours out through the ends.

In some traditions, whatever happens to the horseshoe, it is always the owner of the shoe who gets good or bad luck,
not the person who hangs it up or takes it away or finds it.

The lucky horseshoe story goes back to Saint Dunstan and the Devil St.Dunstan, once a blacksmith,
became the Archbishop of Canterbury in AD 959. Apparently, he once nailed a horseshoe onto the Devil’s hoof when asked to
horseshoe his horse. The Devil suffered a great pain, and Dunstan agreed to remove the shoe only after the Devil promised to
keep away from any place where a horseshoe is hung.

Also, some believe that if guests enter a house with a horseshoe above the door, they must leave the same way, or they will take
the luck from the horseshoe with them from the house.

Another saying is that the horseshoe wards off Faeries as they are repelled by iron, and the horseshoe is made of iron. This way,
unwanted and/or otherworldly guests are kept away! As one can see. the horseshoe myth, of various origins, has morphed into
a simple good luck charm, and this concept has become more widespread with the Romans arriving in Celtic lands just borrowing the custom.


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